Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Burlap Sack Kitchen Curtain..

tawk of the day: .. Let Go & Let God..

Hello--I know, it's been A WHILE..
but you'll be pleased to know I have something new to show you today!

About a month or so ago, I was at the Rodgers, Ohio flea market
and scored a couple burlap sacks for 2$ each!
Dunno if that's a great price or not, but they looked brand new
and I saw major potential :)

I was thinking of things to make with them when a light went off in my little crafty brain..
How about making a curtain for the kitchen ??!

I was going to attempt this::

One thing that I didn't take a pic of was when I sewed a straight line across the top of the curtain for the rod to go through.. but that's pretty self explanatory!!