
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Curtain Extensions

Tawk of the Day:  "So, I've been kind of in a crafting slump.. I feel as if my house is looking more like a *home* and everywhere I turn I can't seem to find an opening on the wall for decor.. I mean, I could switch the decor out for the seasons, but I just can't seem to get a move on! .. I know there is much to be done, but lately I've been craft-lazy. :)  .. Have any of you felt this same way?! Help me haha"
My {very} boring curtains needed a lift. They needed some LIFE added to them.
Plain jane tan curtains. and they weren't long enough!

I got a 50% off coupon for JoAnn Fabric.. but I decided to not use it {and save money}
Instead I snatched some fabric remnants from my mother's craft closet.

I do not have progress photos of how I sewed them exactly.. I'm not a sewing-champion or anything.. You seriously just need to know how to sew a straight line, THAT'S IT!! **

I just made sure I cut about 3/4 length longer than what I needed for some leeway.
I cut off the hooks of the already curtain and simply hemmed the fabric to the hooks and the remaining curtain itself..



These awesome Extensions added approx. 14.5 inches of colorfulness to them!!! :)

I just used some of the extra fabric to use as tie-backs!! 

{Hope you enjoyed this show & tell!}

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