
Monday, April 1, 2013

Springtime 'Pleated Pillows' DIY

 I don't know if it's just me being in the 'nesting' mode or not, but I've been on an organizing and cleaning kick..
I thought that came later in the pregnancy! (..currently 27 weeks along)

I recently switched up my 'fall/winter' bedding/pillows.
I changed the look to a more brighter, springy/summery look-
A very colorful quilt my husband's grandmother gave us,
and my 2 yellow DIY pillows from my 'Bedroom Makeover' reveal post.

I decided that it still needed more color and texture to the whole look.
I decided to remove the other pillows from the fall/winter bedding and put them away for the next time and sew up some spring cases.

I found an old light blue fitted sheet in the extra bedding storage that did not fit any of the beds in this house (weird..) It was the perfect shade of blue.  It would look perfect.  Plus, I wasn't spending any extra cash on a good DIY project!

A while back I pinned a tutorial from The House of Smiths
this pleated pillow, 

Here is the link if you are interested in doing a pillow also! Pleated Pillow

I pretty much followed her technique,  it was very easy to follow along with (Thank Gosh 'cause I am not a pro at sewing.. I barely know how to sew a straight line!)

I think it ended up taking me a few hours to actually complete two pillows--My dang sewing machine kept acting up, ughhh .. The bobbin wasn't cooperating with me AT ALL.. it was 'sew' frustrating!!

This could have easily been done in an hour and a half..

FINALLLLY, after much patience I was very pleased with how they turned out!
I was going to add a couple cute flowers on mine like 'H.O.S.', but I was bored with the whole pillow sewing by the end of it and I was too irritated with the sewing machine.  I think I like them plain better, the quilt adds enough commotion..


  1. Hey there!! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated your super awesome blog for the Leibster Award! You can read the post here.

    Great Job on your blog! I am looking forward to more posts!

    Naptime Nothings

    1. Thankyou so much Sarah! .. I did the little survey thing and nominated my 11 bloggers! :)
